Canine/Feline Therapy Client Info Form Owner / CaregiverPlease provide the information below as completely as possible. Items marked with an * are required to be answered. All information is strictly confidential.Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Pet's Name*Owner / Caregiver*Co-owner / Significant OtherAddress* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Preferred Phone*... Cell Home Office Additional Phone 1Additional Phone 2Email* How Did You Hear About Us?Pet InformationSpecies*Breed*Birthdate*Color / MarkingsGender* Male Female Spayed or Neutered Yes No Weight*Is this a good weight? A little heavy? A little light?How old was your pet when you obtained?Where was your pet obtained?Referral InformationReferring VeterinarianClinic NameYears you have been going therePet HistoryOFA/Penn Hip Status (if known)Any AllergiesPet motivated by (food toys, etc)Brand of food given (including snacks/treats):Quantity of food:When fed:Supplements given (when and with amounts). Enter none if not on any supplements.*Medications given (when and with amounts): Enter none if not on any medications.*Does your pet have any major medical issues (past and/or present)?Has your pet undergone any surgical procedures (what and when)?Reasons for seeking our services:Duration and progression of current signs:Previous treatments and outcomes:Is the condition worse with: Hot Day After Exercising Wet Weather Cold Day After Resting/Sleeping Unknown Have you noticed anything else that aggravates this condition?Does your pet have any daily life restrictions caused by this condition?Have recent x-rays, blood work, or other diagnostics been performed for this current condition?Please list your goals for therapy:Activity / ExerciseWhat type and quantity of exercise does your pet do on a daily and weekly basis?Home EnvironmentDo you have stairs that your pet must go up/down?How many?Where are the stairs? Inside Outside Both Are the stairs carpeted?What type of flooring do you have in your house?Does your pet prefer to sleep on soft or hard surfaces? Soft Hard Either Neither Does your pet prefer to hot or cold places to sleep/lie down? Hot Cold Either Neither Does your pet have difficulty getting in and out of the car? Yes No Sometimes Do you have a ramp? Yes No Do you have a fenced yard? Yes No If yes, how big?Do you have other pets (please list)?What do have for Home Assistive Devices? (Example: Ramp/Steps for furniture/car, floor traction materials)What do have for Home Modalities? (Example : TENS unit, Assisi Loop, Home laser, etc)Which of our services are you interested in? Acupuncture LASER Pulsed Signal Therapy Land Treadmill Hakomed Whirlpool Boarding Day Care/Day Play Play Pasture Rentals VSMT (Similar to Human Chiropractic) Therapeutic Massage Massage Therapeutic Exercises Underwater Treadmill Sports Medicine Weight Loss Program All of the above Have you had Acupuncture done on yourself? Yes No Have you had Acupuncture done on your pets? Yes No Have you had Chiropractic adjustments made on yourself? Yes No Have you had (VSMT) Veterinary Spinal Manipulative Therapies (similar to human Chiropractic) done on your pets? Yes No Do you give Dr. Browne permission to perform gentle, hands on, spinal manipulations to your pet during the initial examination if she feels that it would be beneficial? Yes No To be discussed at exam Do you have Pet Insurance? If so, which one?Additional InformationPlease give us any other information that you feel could be beneficial to us in helping your pet?If you are interested in sending us a home video of your pet for the doctor to review prior to your exam, please email to The Not So Fine PrintThera-Vet requires a $100 (administrative fee/deposit) in order to reserve an initial exam appointment with one of our Doctors. This deposit is applied toward the cost of your exam and it is refundable for cancellations or it is carried forward for rescheduling as a long as either of these events occurs 2 FULL BUSINESS days or more prior to your appointment. We typically will contact you via e-mail and/or phone at various times prior to your appointment to confirm, but regardless it is your responsibility to contact us in a timely manner if you need to reschedule. Business days for Thera-Vet are Mon-Fri. If you call to cancel or reschedule your appointment inside of the 2 day window, your deposit will be forfeited and another $100 deposit will be required to reserve another appointment. In order to increase the chance of you being moved up to an earlier appointment on our waitlist, we ask that you contact your primary care Veterinarian(s) and request they send us pertinent information on your pet's condition for which you are seeking this appointment. In addition to the referral information we require the above completed new client information form from you at least 1 week in advance of your appointment. Thera-Vet will contact your primary care Veterinarian for the referral information if we have not received it from your initial request, but it is solely your responsibility to get your new client information form to us as soon as possible. If we have any earlier openings, clients with all of their paperwork in place are eligible to be moved up on our schedule. If we do not have all the required paperwork 3 full business days prior to your appointment, we will contact you to reschedule that appointment to avoid loss of your deposit.Please confirm that you have read, understand, and agree to our deposit policy. By checking this box you also confirm that you understand we reserve the right to postpone or cancel your appointment if we have not received all needed information and confirmation that you will be attending the appointment at least 2 full business days prior to your appointment and that your deposit will be forfeited.* I agreeCAPTCHA