
Name: Mittens

Breed: Domestic Shorthair (feline)

Sex: Female, spayed

Weight: 11.8 lbs

DOB/Age: 3/1/2006


Mittens presented on 10/11/2010 with chronic Gingivitis. Also, has a history of bladder infections, but stabilized through diet changes. Currently on UT Strength (2 treats per day) to help manage bladder infections and Pet Ease applied once a day to the gingiva. Not currently on any medications.

Presenting Problems

Chronic Gingivitis: inflammation/pain, left side of mouth more inflamed than the right.

Condition / Diagnosis / Findings

Chronic Gingivitis and tartar, 6 teeth extracted. Diet: Instinct and Evo dry, low carbohydrate and grain free, 3 times a day.

Therapy Goals

Owner looking for alternative treatments to help improve Mittens’ gingivitis, and to decrease pain/inflammation.

Course of Therapy

In-clinic therapy consisting of Laser IV therapy 2 times per week and Acupuncture once per week initially. Laser IV therapy treating both upper and lower gingival/jaws, focusing on the left side. Mittens completed 12 weekly Laser IV therapy sessions and 2 bi-weekly Laser IV therapy sessions. Currently Mittens is being treated monthly with the Laser IV.

Progress Evaluation

Mittens’ owner noted a decrease in gingival redness after 5 Laser IV treatments. After 8 Laser IV therapy treatments, a definite decrease in both gingival redness and inflammation was noted.

Progress to Date

Mittens is currently receiving monthly Laser IV treatments for her gingivitis. We are pleased that Mittens continues to have a decrease in inflammation, redness, and discomfort of the gingival. We continue to evaluate Mittens response to current therapy. Mittens owner is pleased with the decrease in redness in the gingiva.