How do Thera-Vet’s services differ from those of my primary care Veterinarian?
Thera-Vet is not a traditional Veterinary practice. We focus on alternative and complementary medicine, including acupuncture, veterinary spinal manipulation (chiropractic), and rehabilitation. The care your pet receives at Thera-Vet often compliments your primary care Veterinarian’s care plan. It involves an extensive examination, and treatment focused on the health of the whole animal. We also focus on fitness, wellness, and preventative medicine by looking at your pet’s nutrition and supplementation needs to make them stronger and healthier. We do not provide any primary Veterinary services.
What is the average cost of rehabilitation for a dog?
The cost for therapy is widely variable and depends upon your dog’s course of treatment and its specific needs. An initial examination typically runs 1-1.5 hours. The reception desk can give you a range of costs. . This exam cost is determined by Dr. Browne at the exam appointment based on the amount of time needed to fully evaluate your pet. This exam entails a review of your pet’s history and previous diagnostics, an extensive examination, and formation of an individualized therapy plan created/recommended by Dr. Browne.
Why is acupuncture helpful for my pet?
Acupuncture is a powerful modality that has been used in human and Veterinary medicine for thousands of years. Thera-Vet mainly uses acupuncture as a pain-relieving modality for older pets suffering from arthritis. However, it can be used to increase recovery rate and resistance to disease. Many ailments can be treated with acupuncture.
Does Thera-Vet perform surgery?
No. Thera-Vet does not have a surgical suite, but we actively care for pre- and post-surgical pets that are or will be starting the recovery/rehabilitation process. We work closely with many of the local surgeons and can help you with recommendations if needed.
Is the treatment going to hurt my pet?
No. Treatment does not generally hurt your pet. With any kind of physically active rehabilitative therapy, there may be some slight discomfort after treatment, but treatment is always done in a gentle, step-by-step, “awareness of the pet” manner. The majority of the pets who come to Thera-Vet experience very calm and productive rehabilitative care; they are almost always excited to return.
How long does my pet need to come for therapy?
The amount of time your pet needs will depend on you and your pet. Each animal is an individual and their response to therapy will be different. Your pet may progress very quickly or somewhat slower. The speed of the recovery process depends on several factors including: how often treatment is warranted, how consistently you are able to schedule and attend appointments, how much home therapy you can do yourself, and especially how successfully you can maintain appropriate restrictions in your pet’s activity to prevent overuse of healing tissues causing repeated re-injury. Some of our patients find it beneficial to continue on a maintenance schedule, whereas some will graduate from in-clinic therapy. We always recommend focusing on preventative and wellness care during therapy and afterwards.
What do the Underwater Treadmill (UWTM) and HakoMed Whirlpool do? How do they work?
The UWTM helps to strengthen an animal’s muscles, aids in increasing flexibility, mobility and helps an animal learn to balance and walk again using the buoyancy created by the water. In the water, the dog/cat is able to move freely and have the needed assistance (flotation and/or human support) to speed their recovery process. The UWTM can also be used for conditioning and weight loss. Our HakoMed Whirlpool is a modality that combines the therapeutic effects of warm water, massage, and high frequency electrical stimulation to provide immediate pain relief and muscle relaxation. The HakoMed is used for dogs who are struggling with joint pain, and stiffness; especially older dogs dealing with arthritis. It can also be useful to aid in muscle relaxation and give immediate pain relief for animals that cannot find relief via conventional therapies. It is often used in conjunction with the UWTM for relaxation and pain relief after a workout.
What is this PST treatment I have heard about and how does it work?
PST refers to Pulsed Signal Therapy. This is a very unique modality that helps your pet rebuild cartilage in joints damaged by arthritic changes. It is also beneficial to speed bone, tendon, and ligament healing. PST generates an electrical signal that simulates your pet’s normal electrochemical signature as seen in an active joint. This signal is what tells the body that the joint is in use and is in need of maintenance. This stimulates the body to flood the treated area with the nutrients, cellular building materials, and generate the metabolic processes to use these materials to rapidly rebuild tissue. Cartilage regeneration is one of the main positive effects. PST has long term effectiveness that can provide positive benefits for months/years.
Can Thera-Vet board my pet?
Yes, most definitely, and while we reserve some day and overnight boarding spaces for pets that are involved in active therapy, we typically have space for a number of healthy dogs, too. Boarding stays for therapy dogs are excellent opportunities to accomplish more intensive therapy regimens and longer programs such as a PST Series. We have recently doubled out boarding space inside and out to allow for more patients staying in house and more romping space for our healthy companions!
My dog just had an exam at my vet–why do I need another one at Thera-Vet?
The exam your primary care Veterinarian provides focuses on your pet’s general health, their yearly regular care, and symptoms of underlying problems. Thera-Vet’s exam incorporates that information, but focuses on a specific concern or area of need and how it affects the dog’s whole system. The exam is very detailed, lasting anywhere from 1 to 2 hours. It encompasses a systematic review of your pet’s muscles, joints, neurological system, conformation, and gait. It is usually focused on your pet’s primary concern but will also investigate related compensatory issues.
How do I know my pet is getting better?
Our individualized therapy plans for your pet encompass a team effort; therefore you will play an active role in determining your pet’s response to therapy. We will monitor your pet’s progress with video, joint range of motion measurements, muscle mass measurements, and hands on and observational assessments/by Dr. Browne during regular progress exams. However, at home, you will observe your pet where they are most comfortable. While your pet is receiving therapy at Thera-Vet, you are regularly asked “How is your pet doing? How are things going?” We ask about changes in energy, comfort, sleep, diet, etc. You as the owner are a major part of the rehabilitation process and can provide much needed feedback on your pet’s condition.
Are there things that I can do at home to help my dog, while they are receiving therapy from Thera-Vet?
Yes, we encourage owner involvement in the therapy process. It depends on how much time you have available and your level of comfort in working with your pet at home. We can provide you with home exercises, therapy, some take home therapy modalities, and massage techniques that will help your pet. We often incorporate a multimodal approach to your pet’s healthcare; meaning that we like to incorporate nutrition and supplementation with home and in-clinic therapy.
What are your hours?
We operate by appointment only. See our contact us page for specific hours at each location. It is usually best to call ahead to make sure someone will be available to accommodate your visit.
Do I need a referral from my Vet?
Although we do not require a referral, it is important to obtain a medical history for your pet to help us develop a complete therapy plan. We also like to keep your primary Veterinarian updated on what therapy plan we will be initiating for your pet and the progress of the therapy, so they can continue to use traditional medicine to support our plan. A referral form can be downloaded from the contact page or we will be glad to contact your Veterinarian directly to obtain the information needed.
Do I need to get diagnostics like bloodwork and x-rays before our initial exam appt?
This is not a requirement. While we do like to have additional diagnostics, in many cases it is more efficient for Dr Browne to narrow down the area to be evaluated and you can then have your primary care Veterinarian, perform the diagnostics.
Do you sell slings and other related therapeutic equipment and supplies?
Yes, we carry slings, heat packs, and supplements. We also can help with selection, measurement, and fitting for various other mobility assistance products such as harnesses, booties, toe-grips, custom braces, prosthetics, and carts.
Can I stay with my pet during therapy?
Of course, we encourage owner involvement in their pet’s therapy. We offer individual appointments where owners are asked to stay and participate or day board therapy where your pet will have one or more aspects of therapy scheduled throughout the day while they are here with us. Some dogs are actually more comfortable and focused on their therapy when their owners are not present at all times, and we’ll discuss options with you as they come up.
What vaccinations are needed for my dog to come to Thera-Vet?
While Thera-Vet is a smaller facility with post-surgical level cleaning protocols, it is required that dogs attending appointments are maintaining updated Rabies and Distemper vaccinations.
For day boarding, boarding, and day play services we do require that all dogs are up to date on their Bordetella vaccination in addition to their Rabies and Distemper vaccines. The Bordetella vaccination protects your dog against the most common strains of upper respiratory infections typically passed from being in close contact with other dogs.
Thera-Vet… Compassionate care because our heart is in it!