Just as in the human, the animal body has the innate ability to heal itself. This ability can be optimized with the concomitant use of therapeutic modalities such as acupuncture, veterinary spinal manipulative therapy, nutritional support, hydrotherapy, LASER, and massage. At Thera-Vet Acres Rehabilitation & Fitness, we utilize these and other modalities, in addition to compassion and loving care, to bring your pet back to his or her top physical and mental health.
Thera-Vet Acres provides rehabilitative care and wellness services for canine, feline, and equine patients. Although a written referral from your primary care Veterinarian is NOT required it can be helpful in communicating to us the pertinent information on your pet’s condition. In lieu of this they can send us your pet’s records. We will be more than happy to contact your Veterinarian to obtain any needed information; just let us know. Ideally we want to work with you and your primary care Veterinarian as a team to create a healthier tomorrow for your pet. Regular progress reports will be sent out to you and your primary care Veterinarian.