Thera-Fit Exercise and Fitness Programs

Thera-Vet’s Thera-Fit programs are designed for owners who want their pets to achieve and maintain optimum physical health. We can design a program that will benefit your dog if he/she is:

• In good health and just needs maintenance during inclimate weather
• Needs to burn off some energy in a safe environment
• Needs to achieve some weight loss
• Needs some additional mental stimulation
• Doesn’t do well in the harsh NY weather extremes
• Has an injury but cannot participate in Veterinary overseen in-clinic therapy
• Is leaving active therapy due to graduation or other reason
• Is older and showing signs of aging
• Is a healthy boarder/day player that fit any of the above categories

For Healthy Dogs

Exam by Thera-Vet or rDVM Health Certificate within 6 -12 months .

For Therapy Dogs

Exam by Thera-Vet within 6 months