When you are looking for a veterinary care clinic you should be able to count on superior care and excellent service. We at Thera-Vet Acres Rehabilitation and Fitness in Webster NY have assembled an expert team of veterinary professionals to bring you the best possible rehabilitative care for your pet. We have a state of the art veterinary facility which is clean, comfortable, and efficient. Call 585-872-3791 to schedule an appointment and we will find a time that is convenient for you.
Your initial evaluation will most likely last anywhere from one hour for a healthy base line/preventative care evaluation to two hours for either a post surgical or therapeutic evaulation. Dr. Browne or Dr. Mason will not only focus on determining the main issue, but will evaluate for compensatory issues as well. Each joint, muscle and tendon/ligament will be examined to determine the best therapeutic direction to take for your pet. During this initial evaluation you will also be given the opportunity to have LASER therapy and/or Veterinary Spinal Manipulations as well as possibly initiate in clinic therapy afterwards. Home exercises and stretching, tailored to meet the specific needs of your pet, will be given. Diet, supplementation, and pharmaceutical pain management will also be discussed.
After your evaluation, you will be given a tour of the facility where we will review many of our modalities and capabilities. We want to insure you are educated on the many options available to aid in your pet’s recovery. We will take in to consideration your goals for therapy, your pet’s condition, time and financial constraints and we will work together on developing a plan to move forward. Our hope is that as a team consisting of you, your pet, and your referring veterinarian we will be able to reach your goal.